Monday, August 3, 2009


Refreshing - it is such an incredible feeling.

Refreshing = invigorating, revitalizing, reviving, restoring, bracing, fortifying, enlivening, inspiriting, stimulating, energizing, exhilarating, change of direction, welcome, stimulating, fresh, imaginative, innovative.
Or so a thesaurus says.

You can have a Refreshing cup of coffee that revitalizes and energises you after a sleepless night. You can have a Refreshing hamburger that restores and energises you after a day without food. You can clean your room, throw something out, change your mind, etc., etc., all of which refreshes you and makes you feel like a weight has been lifted off your shoulders.

I love running my coffee shop. When you hand a tiered fisherman who has been up since 3 a.m. his cup of coffee, the look on his face after savoring the first sip is priceless. When a fishermen who has been eating fish for a week comes in and gets a bacon cheeseburger, the way he closes his eyes and slowly chews that first bite - also priceless. It is refreshing knowing that these people are enjoying my products, and the people who eat/drink my products always walk away from here refreshed and ready to face another day of crappy fishing.

I can't believe it has been over a month now since I opened. It has been great. The fishing during July was the most horrible I ever remember it being. My dad didn't even catch 400 coho - he should have caught at least 2000. Now it is August. I hope with August comes a run of some big, over 7 pound, coho. (There is a price break, over 7's are worth more than under 7's.) Everyone around here needs to catch some fish. They have been tied to the dock for basically two weeks because they just have no motivation to go out and not catch any fish. It is good for me because they come up and get coffee and candy and ice cream and the occasional burger when they are sick of eating fish. But, man, i feel bad for them all. I know what it is like to not be catching fish - i know what my dad must be going through. It is hard. All you think about are all the bills you have to pay and all the fuel you are using while out fishing and then you think about not catching even close to enough to cover the costs of being out fishing, so you go and tie to the dock again.

Everyone keeps telling me that I am the only one around here making any money, which honestly, i think is true. None of them are making any money while sitting at the dock. And I make money every time they come get their vanilla lattes and breve mochas! I love it, but for some reason I feel bad at the same time. I know they all don't have much money, yet they are up here supporting me and my adventure everyday! I really appreciate them all and I hope they know that.

Maybe i'll make some salmon berry cake tonight to perk up some of their spirits.

1 comment:

  1. Hi sweetie,

    I want you to know that you should not feel bad about serving these people coffee and food. Though they cannot afford to keep their job, they can afford, and obviously deserve some happiness. It is probably refreshing for them to see your little successful coffee shop. It is so sad to hear about the lack of fish... I just don't know what we are doing to our world.

    Thank you for your note on my blog... It is funny because immediately after posting that I read your blog, Miesha's, Keiosha's, and Lauren's, and we all seem to be in a similar place... I truly felt a little better knowing that my dear ones are still in my mode, it is like we are together, but our struggles are because we are apart. Strange how that works.

    The gym is helpful, in ways... and in others it seems like an added stress. I definetely feel good when I go, but I have that little angel and devil on my shoulder problem daily, which does not help my Catholic-like guilt when I don't want to go... overall I know it is better for me, and if I make it about me and my time and my spirit, and not only about my body and the physical changes, then it is a great relief.

    I miss you my dear. I am so very proud of you. Be the inspiring light I know, and there is no reason to feel any guilt about serving those who come to you, asking for something you can very well provide. I am sure you brighten their day!


